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This is primarily targeted towards the following guys.
1. The guy who has never, or rarely been intimate with a woman. 2. The guy who has been trying to get intimate with women for a while, but has not had much success. 3. The guy who is a seduction theory expert. He can tell you how to get a girl step by step, however he himself does not actually apply the theory.
Most guys get into this stuff because they are lonely. They want women in their lives. They are not necessarily looking to roll into clubs and take a girl home. That might be a future goal, however they what they really want is some intimacy with a real, breathing, wet woman.
So, the following is an easy to use template that’ll get you dates. It is demb-proof, so anyone of any level of confidence can pull it off. It is also safe enough to where any rejection will be painless. Moreover, you can build on top of it in the future.
Say this in any setting and it will work. Simply approach the girl you are interested in and say…
You: Hey, you looked adorable I had to meet you. Her: Something You: What should I call you? Her: Something [her name] You: Alright [her name], you can call me [your name]. What do you have going for you besides your looks? Her: Something You: Are you adventurous? Her: Yes You: Are you spontaneous? Her: Yes You: Cool, then we should hang out sometime. Do you have Facebook? Her: Yes You: Then write down your full name for me. Oh, and put your number down there as well. I’ve got to run, catch you later.
Then arrange the meetup, go on the date and escalate. You can find information on how to do that elsewhere. This is just how to go from approach to number/implicit meetup.
After actively approaching women for over a year with pretty awesome success, all the while trying out different things of varying complexity, this is what I use 90% of the time nowadays. It is so fucking simple, yet so consistent.
This is because
1. It is quick. The conversation is not drawn out, yet you give out enough to be memorable to the girl. 2. It is direct, so you aren’t dicking around with retarded questions you do not give a shit about. 3. The next meetup will be understood as being sexual. She will be yours to lose as opposed yours to win. You want to cement this? When you meet up with her on the date, give her a hug and lift her off the floor.
Keep it simple stupid.